
AI+ Careers Lab 2021, taking place on February 3rd, is ideal for job seekers from both the tech and business fields to engage with top employers in the data science field and open up amazing career opportunities. Consider attending if you’re a developer, marketer, data scientist, software engineer, data engineer, data analyst, business analyst, product manager, or in another related field.

You can check more about AI+Career Lab  2021 on the website.

This is a free event. Registration is required.

Career Mentor Session

Vin Vashishta

Chief Data Scientist at Data by V Squared

I work in Applied Machine Learning. I have built and brought products to market with ARR in the $100’s of millions. I am an Engineer Strategist. My current focus is monetizing machine learning which covers revenue and pricing strategies, model reliability, defining and hiring research/architecture/product management roles, and the path to production.

Talk "Going Beyond Toy Projects to Land Your 1st Data Science Job"

How do you show hiring managers you are ready to do Data Science and Machine Learning in the real world? Independent project work is recommended by everyone. What projects will make you stand out?

Most independent work focuses on Model Training, Evaluation, Selection, and Validation. As you will learn in this presentation, there is a lot more to Applied Data Science, Machine Learning, and Analytics.

I will show you 18 key project categories and focus on selected projects covering Product Management, Machine Learning Engineering, Model Integration, Model Development, Machine Learning Quality, Data Engineering, and Data Analysis.


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    Going Beyond Toy Projects to Land Your 1st Data Science Job

    • Registration form

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