Build an Interactive Data Analytics Dashboard with Python
This series is only available as a part of the subscription plans
This course teaches you all of the skills to build interactive data analytics dashboards with Python. Specifically, you will be building a Coronavirus Forecasting Dashboard that shows historical and predicted values for deaths and cases for all countries in the world and US states from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The final product will be a live dashboard, automatically updated daily, hosted on a remote server for anyone, anywhere in the world to see.
Teddy Petrou
Learn how to complete a comprehensive, end-to-end project in Python using a vast array of skills
Build an interactive data analytics dashboard using the Dash library in Python
Model coronavirus cases and deaths using generalized logistic functions
Smooth data using locally weighted scatterplot smoothing
Learn how to use Plotly, an interactive data visualization library in Python targeting the web
Encapsulate all of your code into Python classes to ease automation
Setup an Ubuntu server running NGINX to host the dashboard on the web for all to see
Module 1: Getting Started
Module 2: Getting, Cleaning, and Transforming the Data
Module 3: Data Smoothing
Module 4: Exponential Growth and Decline Models
Module 5: Logistic Growth Models
Module 6: Modeling New Waves
Module 7: Encapsulation into Classes
Module 8: Visualizations with Plotly
Module 9: Building the Dashboard with Dash
Module 10: Deployment
Fundamental knowledge of the Python programming language and the Pandas library is necessary
Previous work with Jupyter Notebooks would be helpful as all material is delivered with them