
Join Free Panel Discussion on Linkedin, Facebook  or Youtube and have a chance to network/ask your questions. Thomas J. Fan will be happy to guide you and share some case studies/personal experiences, etc.

The discussion with Thomas Fan will cover these topics -

  • History and current developments
  • Scikit-learn will finally release 1.0
  • Technical aspects of the library
  • Open source sprints with Data Umbrella
  • Coordinating between scikit-learn and other open-source projects

Instructor's Bio

Thomas J. Fan 

 Senior Software Engineer at Quansight Labs

Thomas J. Fan is a Senior Software Engineer at Quansight Labs, working to sustain and evolve the PyData open-source ecosystem. He is a maintainer for scikit-learn, an open-source machine learning library written for Python. Previously, he worked at Columbia University, improving the interoperability between scikit-learn and AutoML systems. Thomas holds a Masters in Physics from Stony Brook University and a Masters in Mathematics from New York University.


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    ON-DEMAND WEBINAR:Behind the Scenes of Scikit-Learn with Core Contributor Thomas Fan

    • Ai+ Training

    • Webinar recording

    • Join ODSC West 2021 Training Conference