
AI+ Careers Lab 2021, taking place on February 3rd, is ideal for job seekers from both the tech and business fields to engage with top employers in the data science field and open up amazing career opportunities. Consider attending if you’re a developer, marketer, data scientist, software engineer, data engineer, data analyst, business analyst, product manager, or in another related field.

You can check more about AI+Career Lab 2021 on the website.

This is a free event. Registration is required.

Career Mentor Session

Sheamus McGovern 

Software Developer and Ai Expert

Founder of ODSC and Software Architect specializing in, complex multi-platform systems across multiple industries including finance, healthcare, and education.

Talk #1 "2021 Ai Job Market Review for Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, and related roles"

How do you stick out from the rest in today’s job market? Attend this free webinar to learn tips on how to build the perfect resume, overcome challenges in applying, and stand out from the competition.

Talk #2 "How to Master the  Coding Exam and Other Interview Techniques"

Any role that requires programming as a skill now often requires a coding exam.  Software engineers have long had to pass this hurdle and the coding exam can be one of the most difficult challenges of a job interview.

For data scientists, data engineers, machine learning engineers and related roles the exam is even harder. Not only are you expected to have programming skills at the level of a professional programmer, but you also need to showcase your skills in data transformation, train/test models and finally visualize your results.  

This talk will help you master the coding exam. It will cover core competencies, expectations, and tips and techniques to improve your results.  We will wrap it up with a platform review where you can practice coding exams.


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    2021 Ai Job Market Review for Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, and related roles

    • Registration form

AI + Career Services

Expert Guidance, Resume Recommendation, Job Matches