Course curriculum

Most of us have been there: your code works, but it needs to run faster. You start thinking about making it run in parallel - now how to go about that? Or you discover it already does some things, but not everything, in parallel - how do you build on that without running into unexpected problems

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    Understanding and Optimising Parallelism in NumPy-based Programs

    • Understanding and Optimising Parallelism in NumPy-based Programs


Co-Director, Quansight Labs

Ralf Gommers, PhD

Ralf has been deeply involved in the SciPy and PyData communities for over a decade. He is a maintainer of NumPy, SciPy and, and has contributed widely throughout the SciPy ecosystem. Ralf is currently the SciPy Steering Council Chair, and he served on the NumFOCUS Board of Directors from 2012-2018. Ralf co-directs Quansight Labs, which consists of developers, community managers, designers, and documentation writers who build open-source technology and grow open-source communities around data science and scientific computing projects. Previously Ralf has worked in industrial R&D, on topics as diverse as MRI, lithography and forestry.


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