Course curriculum

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    ODSC West Keynotes

    • Provably Beneficial Artificial Intelligence by Stuart Russell, PhD

    • How Companies Have Achieved Business Benefits with Kubernetes Powered MLOps by Abhinav Joshi and Will McGrath

    • The Future of Data of Science with Z by HP by Bruce Blaho and Andrew Kemp

    • Making AI work for business by JR Gauthier, PhD

    • Instilling Interpretability and Explainability into AI Projects by Scott Reed

    • Increasing Accuracy with Human Labeling and Weak Learning by Elliot Branson

    • Why Data Lakes are critical for AI, ML and IoT by Brian Flūg

    • Unlocking Climate-Related Data Through Open Source and Data Mesh Architecture by Vincent Caldeira and Erik Erlandson

    • Changing the Narrative: The Importance of Responsible AI and Human-AI Collaboration by Lama Nachman

    • MLOps Spotlight_ Scaling NLP Pipelines at IHS Markit by Yaron Haviv and Nick Brown

    • How Can You Trust Machine Learning by Carlos Guestrin, PhD

    • Break Out of your Data Bubble by Victor Ghadban

    • What is MLOps, DataOps, and DevOps by Manasi Vartak, PhD

    • 100x More Features at Scale with Feature Engineering Automation by Sharada Narayanan

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    ODSC Talks

    • Composition in Machine Learning_ in Models, Tools, and Teams by Dr. Bryan Bischof

    • Bringing Choice, Automation and Performance to ML Deployment with Apache TVM and the OctoML Platform by Luis Ceze, PhD

    • Audio Processing and Feature Building for Machine Learning by Jyotika Singh

    • You Wanna Grab a Cup of Coffee_ A Data-Centric Approach To Deconstructing How Geospatial Patterns Shape Your Cup Of Coffee by Minerva Singh

    • Relationships Matter_ Using Connected Data for Better Machine Learning by Phani Dathar

    • Passive Privacy-respecting Collection of DNS Transaction Data by Paul Vixie

    • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning_ Split Learning and Privacy Attacks by Grzegorz Gawron

    • ML Ops: Doing the Things to Preserve Tomorrow’s Machine Learning Sanity Today by Seth Juarez

    • Azure Machine Learning Enterprise Security Promises and Best Practices by Dennis Eikelenboom

    • Seeing the Unseen_ Inferring Unobserved Information from Limited Sensory Data by Adriana Romero

    • Data Science Performance isn’t What You Think: the Journey from Research to Production of the Data Science Workstation by David A. Liu

    • Scalable Natural Language Processing Using BERT OpenVINO AI Kit and Open Data Hub by Kyle Bader and Ryan Loney

    • Iterate Automated Feature Engineering_ A data scientist’s guide to faster, better features by Yusuke Muraoka

    • Think like a human_ Develop intuition in deep learning modeling by Jun Qian

    • The Matrix_ Networks, Stock Selection and ESG Outcomes by Temilade Oyeniyi, CFA

    • Information Flow and Deep Representation Learning by Michael Tamir, PhD

    • (Machine) Learning to Live with Wildfires - Mitigating Risks of Climate Change with Accelerated Analytics by Dr. Mike Flaxman and Abhishek Damera

    • Fast, Fresh Data for AI at Scale with a Feature Store by Riccardo Grigoletto

    • What’s Next for Data Scientists_ Auto ML+DO by Lisa Amini, PhD

    • Towards More Energy-Efficient Neural Networks_ Use Your Brain by Olaf de Leeuw

    • Teaching Machines Through Human Explanations by Xiang Ren, PhD

    • Assumption-free, General-purpose Ultra Large Incomplete Data Curing by In Ho Cho, PhD

    • Data-Centric Design Principles for AI Engineering by Vincent Sunn Chen

    • A ModelOps Approach to Address Ethical Concerns in AI Systems by May Masoud

    • Data Scientists & External Data Discovery_ A Match Made in Heaven by Victor Ghadban

    • Develop and Deploy a Machine Learning Pipeline in 45 Minutes with Ploomber by Eduardo Blancas

    • Personalized Machine Learning by Julian McAuley, PhD

    • Analyzing the Chemistry of Data by Wendy Nather

    • A Framework for Identifying Host-Based Artifacts in Dark Web Investigations by Arica Kulm

    • The future of data science and machine learning at enterprise scale by Brian Flūg

    • Reasoning About the Probabilistic Behavior of Classifiers by Guy Van den Broeck, PhD

    • Building Operational Pipelines for Machine and Deep Learning by Yaron Haviv

    • Denormalization_ A Brief History and Its Role in the Modern Data Stack by James Mayfield

    • Best Practices for Data Annotation at Scale by Jai Natarajan

    • 3 reasons why ML code is not like software by Conrado Miranda, PhD

    • Practical Individual Fairness Algorithms by Mikhail Yurochkin, PhD

    • Applications of Modern Survival Modeling with Python by Brian Kent, PhD

    • Responsible AI; From Principles to Practice by Tempest Van Schaik, PhD

    • Large-Scale Video Analytics with Ease by Fisher Yu

    • Acquiring and Exploiting the Semantics of Data by Craig Knoblock, PhD

    • Statistical Machine Learning by Quanquan Gu, PhD

    • Beyond Prediction_ What Makes a Senior Scientist by Arwen Griffioen

    • How Building a Personal Brand can help you Establish a Career in DS Field by Ken Jee

    • How to Prepare for the Future of Data Science by Daliana Liu _Allie Miller

    • Transitioning from an Analyst to Data Science Role by Marwan Kashef

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    ODSC Demo Talks

    • How to improve data workload flexibility while lowering cloud data lake costs by over 50% by Arpan Roy

    • Trustworthy Decision Management: How Explainable, Predictive Decision Making Can Help Us Trust Our Decision Models by Jacopo Rota

    • Architecting for Modern Analytics Applications by Zeke Dean

    • Z by HP’s Workstation Data Science Solutions by Lenny Isler

    • Profiling and Optimizing PyTorch Applications with the PyTorch Profiler by Sabrina Smai

    • Vertica Accelerator – The Fastest SaaS Analytics and Machine Learning – from Start to Finish by Michael Bowen

    • Automate machine learning tasks with OCI Data Science Jobs by Lyudmil Pelov

    • Deliver AI & ML Models Faster, with Verta by Anthony Lee

    • Proactive Data Quality_ Why Culture Comes Before Tools by Tim Woods

    • Building ML and AI Applications with a Purpose-Built Time Series Database by Sam Dillard

    • Best Practices of Effective ML Teams by Carey Phelps

    • A Graph Data Science Framework for Enterprise by Stuart Laurie

    • DataRobot AI Cloud Demo_ Massive Business Impact from Extreme Automation by Andrea Kropp

    • Getting Started with Dask Using Saturn Cloud by Mitali Sanwal

    • Federated SQL with LiveRamp Safe Haven by Grzegorz Gawron

    • An Overview of Arize AI’s ML Observability Platform by Gabriel Barcelos

    • Streamlining Analytics with the S&P Global Marketplace Workbench by James Olejniczak

    • Teaching Data Science Effectively by Robert Schroll, PhD

    • Analyzing NVMO Mobile Signal Data with Accelerated Analytics by Joe Gifford

    • Weak Supervision in Practice by Patrick Kolencherry

    • Portable, light-weight, end-to-end autoML_ All the power, none of the pain by Alex Robson, PhD

    • Real-Time Feature Engineering with a Feature Store by Adi Hirschtein

    • Metrics Store as an Interface to Data by Allegra Holland

    • The Role of External Data in ML and BI Success by Victor Ghadban

    • See How AtScale's Semantic Layer Impacts BI & AI Performance on Popular Cloud Data Platforms by Daniel Gray

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    ODSC Business Talks

    • Reproducibility and Dependencies for Jupyter Notebooks by Francesco Murdaca

    • The Power of Data Science - Real World Use Cases by Jay Fraser

    • Managed AI_ How To Avoid The Pitfalls of No-Code AI by Aaron Cheng, PhD

    • How to Effectively Scale ML & AI in Any Organization by Ella Hilal, PhD

    • What do Planes and Machine Learning Have in Common? How Interpretable ML can Improve Decision-Making? by Serg Masis

    • Data-Driven Innovation for COVID-19 by Kristen Honey

    • Leadership and AI by Tom Coyle

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    ODSC Workshops & Trainings

    • Beyond the Basics_ Data Visualization in Python by Stefanie Molin

    • Deep Learning with Graphs - An Introduction to Graph Neural Networks (With Code Examples in Pytorch Geometric) by Sujit Pal

    • Manipulating and Visualizing Data with R by Jared Lander

    • MLOps... From Model to Production by Filipa Peleja, PhD

    • Data Analysis for SOC Survey by Christopher Crowley

    • Introduction to NLP and Topic Modeling by Zhenya Antić, PhD

    • WSL 2 in Real-Time with Z by HP by Adam Dettenwanger

    • In-Database Machine Learning with Python by Pranjal Singh

    • Natural Language Processing with PyTorch by Yashesh A. Shroff, PhD and Ravi Ilango

    • Rapid Data Exploration and Analysis with Apache Drill by Charles Givre

    • Deep Dive into Reinforcement Learning with PPO using TF-Agents & TensorFlow 2 by Oliver Zeigermann

    • NLP Fundamentals by Leonardo De Marchi

    • Identifying Deepfake Images and Videos Using Python with Keras by Noah Giansiracusa, PhD

    • Data Science for Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR) by Jess Garcia

    • Build a Question Answering System using DistilBERT in Python by Jayeeta Putatunda

    • apricot_ Taming Big Data by Removing Redundancy by Jacob Schreiber

    • Using Reproducible Experiments To Create Better Machine Learning Models by Milecia McGregor

    • Good, Fast, Cheap_ How to do Data Science with Missing Data by Matt Brems

    • Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Inference with Python by Lara Kattan

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    ODSC Tutorials

    • Transferable Representation in Natural Language Processing by Kai-Wei Chang, PhD

    • Exploring the Interconnected World_ Network-Graph Analysis in Python by Noemi Derzsy, PhD

    • Building a ML Serving Platform at Scale for Natural Language Processing by Kumaran Ponnambalam

    • Tutorial on Uplift Modeling_ How to Optimize using Uplift Predictive Models and Uplift Prescriptive Analytics by Victor Lo, PhD

    • Data-driven Modeling Approaches in Computational Drug Discovery by Hiranmayi Ranganathan, PhD

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    Women in Data Science Ignite

    • Women in Data Science Ignite