Session Overview

As AI becomes a key element to business success, it is essential that leaders own AI and not just pass this off to the CTO or the CIO.  After all, AI solves organizational challenges and it is imperative that leaders understand the strengths and weaknesses of the AI models, how they address desired organizational outcomes and any shortcomings or key aspects that the model does not incorporate.  Finally, I will share some key lessons from history about leaders who did not embrace or understand new technology and the disastrous consequences that followed.  

Leaders must understand concepts like data labeling, algorithm development, and model training the way they understand financial projections (which of course AI can assist with).  Leaders need to see it not as an exotic toy, but a fundamental practice.  Go ahead, get your hands dirty.  Talk to your tech folks and understand how to convey your vision to them.  


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    Leadership and AI

    • Abstract & Bio

    • Leadership and AI


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