Session Overview

As the Director of Data Science for the Growth and Revenue team at Shopify, Ella Hilal, Ph.D., is responsible for overseeing data operations that power the company’s marketing and international strategy.

In her talk, Dr. Hilal will speak to how you can bring the power of AI into any organization, walking through the key principles for effectively scaling machine learning and artificial intelligence. She will cover a variety of principles from creating a strong internal data culture, to incorporating machine learning models as a seamless part of the product experience, to why complex models are not always the best solution (at first).  

Dr. Hilal will provide key takeaways from use cases at Shopify and the unique challenges of serving over 1.7 million entrepreneurs around the world.


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    How to Effectively Scale ML & AI in Any Organization

    • Abstract & Bio

    • How to Effectively Scale ML & AI in Any Organization


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