
ODSC team is very excited about the upcoming ODSC West 2020 Virtual Conference in October! As our event is getting closer, we would like to invite you to participate in FREE ODSC West's Warm-Up Webinar.

During the webinar you will:

- learn the latest models, advancements, and trends from the top practitioners;

- get a glimpse of the largest West ODSC conference;

- be able to ask questions directly to the speakers;

- get to know more about sessions you can attend at our ODSC West 2020 Virtual Conference, on October 27-30th. 

We will feature 3 - 4 speakers from our upcoming ODSC West 2020 Virtual Conference who will give 20 min previews of their conference sessions  + virtual Q&A from the instructors.

The ODSC West Virtual Conference 2020 is one of the largest and ONLY applied data science training conferences in the world. Our instructors include some of the core contributors of many open source tools, libraries, and languages: Suchi Saria, PhD (Johns Hopkins University); Ion Stoica, PhD (UC Berkeley); Jeannette M. Wing, PhD (Columbia University); Zoubin Ghahramani, PhD (Uber | The University of Cambridge) and many others.

Check the full line-up of West Conference speakers and instructors here, and workshop and training sessions here.

Use discount code - Webinar2020 - to get an extra 10% off on your pass for Virtual Conference West.

Instructor's Bio

Dr. Jon Krohn

 Chief Data Scientist at Untapt,

Author of Deep Learning Illustrated 

Topic “Deep Learning (with TensorFlow 2)”

To facilitate an intuitive understanding of Deep Learning’s artificial-neural-network foundations, the essential theory will be introduced visually and pragmatically. Paired with tips for overcoming common pitfalls and hands-on Python code run-throughs provided in straightforward Jupyter notebooks, this foundational knowledge empowers you to build powerful state-of-the-art Deep Learning models.

Bethany Poulin

 Data Science Instructor at General Assembly

Topic “Introduction to Shiny Application Development”

In this session you will learn to use Shiny to build a dashboard  from blank page to interactive application using the programming language R, the free R development environment rStudio and Redis. We will use free public data and open source libraries as we sculpt our dashboard together.

Charles Givre 

VP Data & Analytics, Cybersecurity Technology and Controls at JPMorgan Chase & Co

Topic “Rapid Data Exploration and Analysis with Apache Drill”

Data analysts and data scientists often struggle with getting data into a usable form.  Indeed research shows that it can consume up to 90% of a data scientist's time preparing data.  In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to use Apache Drill to rapidly explore a wide variety of data, from a variety of sources without having to write code.


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    ODSC West 2020 Virtual Conference Warm-Up

    • AI+ Training

    • Webinar recording

    • AI+ Subscription Plans