
If you don’t know KNIME or if you have colleagues who should know about KNIME, then this webinar is the place to start!
In this demo we will cover the following aspects of KNIME Analytics Platform:
- A modern, open-source data science platform with a visual workflow editor that lets you focus on learning methods rather than learning the tool itself.
- An extremely wide range of data sources, tools, and methods - many based on leading open source projects - all within one platform.
- Software that is open source and free. No limitations on methods, data, or operating systems.
- A strong KNIME community to support you, including thousands of freely available working examples.


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Session Overview

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    ODSC West 2020: A Quick, Practical Overview of KNIME Analytics Platform

    • Overview and Author Bio

    • A Quick, Practical Overview of KNIME Analytics Platform

Instructor Bio:

Paolo Tamagnini

Data Scientist | KNIME

Paolo Tamagnini

Paolo Tamagnini is a data science evangelist at KNIME and based in Berlin. After graduating with a master's degree in data science at Sapienza University of Rome, Paolo gathered research experience at New York University in machine learning interpretability and visual analytics tools. Since working at KNIME, Paolo has presented different workshops in the USA and Europe and developed a number of reusable guided analytics applications for automated machine learning and human-in-the-loop analytics.