Course curriculum

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    ODSC Europe Keynotes

    • Build and Deploy PyTorch models with Azure Machine Learning by Henk Boelman

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    ODSC Talks

    • Should You Trust Your Copilot? Limitations and Merits of AI Coding Assistants by Emanuele Fabbiani, PhD

    • Artificial Intelligence Research Institute - On the Engineering of Social Values by Carles Sierra, PhD

    • Pre-trained Language Models for Summarisation by Sophia Ananiadou

    • Iterated and Exponentially Weighted Moving Principal Component Analysis by Dr Paul A. Bilokon

    • Me, my health, and AI: applications in medical diagnostics and prognostics by Sara Khalid

    • Semantic Analysis and Procedural Language Understanding in the Era of Large Language Models by Dr. Gözde Gül Şahin

    • Deep Learning and Comparisons between Large Language Models by Hossam Amer, PhD

    • Why GPU Clusters Don't Need to Go Brrr? Leverage Compound Sparsity to Achieve the Fastest Inference Performance on CPUs by Damian Bogunowicz, Konstantin Gulin

    • Why the Jagged Edge Matters by Jutta Treviranus

    • Apache Kafka for Real-Time Machine Learning Without a Data Lake by Kai Waehner

    • Towards Socially Unbiased Generative Artificial Intelligence by Danushka Bollegala, PhD

    • AI and Bias: How to detect it and how to prevent it by Sandra Wachter, PhD

    • From Probabilistic Logics to Neurosymbolic AI by Luc De Raedt

    • The Unfairness of Fair Machine Learning: Levelling Down and Strict Egalitarianism by Default by Brent Mittelstadt, PhD

    • Botnets detection at scale - Lesson learned from clustering billions of web attacks into botnets by Ori Nakar

    • Getting Up to Speed on Real-Time Machine Learning by Dillon Bostwick and Avinash Sooriyarachchi

    • Time Series Forecasting for Managers - All forecasts are wrong but some are useful by Tanvir Ahmed Shaikh

    • Probabilistic Machine Learning for Finance and Investing by Deepak Kanungo

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    ODSC Demo Talks

    • The Tangent Information Modeler, time series modeling reinvented by Philip Wauters

    • Ask the Experts! ML Pros Deep-Dive into Machine Learning Techniques and MLOps by Seth Juarez

    • Driving AI Forward: Continental Tire’s Journey to MLOps Excellence by Drazen Dodik

    • Build a Modern Data Estate in 15 Minutes by Chris Butcher

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    ODSC Workshops & Tutorials

    • Distributed Hyperparameter Tuning: Finding the Right Model can be Fast and Fun by Matthias Seeger, PhD

    • Explainable Time Series Classification by Elisa Fromont

    • When Privacy Meets AI - Your Kick-Start Guide to Machine Learning with Synthetic Data by Alexandra Ebert

    • Utilizing Advanced Monitoring Capabilities to Promote Product-Oriented Data Science by Itai Bar-Sinai and Gal Naamani

    • Hyper-productive NLP with Hugging Face Transformers by Julien Simon

    • Modern NLP: Pre-training, Fine-tuning, Prompt Engineering, and Human Feedback by Daniel Whitenack, PhD

    • Advanced NLP: Deep Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing with Transformers by Dipanjan (DJ) Sarkar

    • Space Science with Python - Enabling Citizen Scientists by Dr.-Ing. Thomas Albin

    • Data Validation at Scale - Detecting and Responding to Data Misbehavior by Felipe de Pontes Adachi

    • Automate Machine Learning Workflows with PyCaret 3.0 by Moez Ali

    • Diffusion Models 101 by Daniel Voigt Godoy

    • Introduction to Interpretability in ML (XAI) by Andras Zsom

    • Feature Engineering With Signal Types by Colin Priest

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    ODSC Trainings

    • Python Fundamentals by Philip Tracton

    • An Introduction to Data Wrangling with SQL by Sheamus McGovern

    • Introduction to Machine Learning by Julia Lintern

    • Data Science 101:A Layman’s Tour of Data Science by Todd Cioffi