
In this training, you will learn how to accelerate your data analyses using the Python language and Pandas, a library specifically designed for tabular data analysis. We start by learning the core Pandas data structures, the Series and DataFrame. From these foundations, we will learn to use the split-apply-combine paradigm for grouped computations, manipulate time series, and perform advanced joins between datasets. Specifically, loading, filtering, grouping, and transforming data. Having completed this workshop, you will understand the fundamentals and advanced features of Pandas, be aware of common pitfalls, and be ready to perform your own analyses.


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Training Overview

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    ODSC Europe 2020: Programming with Data: Python and Pandas

    • Training Overview and Author Bio

    • Before you get started: Prerequisites and Resources

    • Programming with Data: Python and Pandas

Instructor Bio:

Daniel Gerlanc

President & Founder| Enplus Advisors, Inc.

Daniel Gerlanc

Daniel Gerlanc is a data scientist, software engineer, and technology instructor. After started his career as a hedge fund quant, he has spent the past decade bootstrapping data science and engineering teams for organizations of all sizes. He has co-authored several open-source R packages, published in peer-reviewed journals, and been an invited speaker at conferences including ODSC and PGConf. He is the author of the Programming with Data: Python and Pandas and teaches regularly on oreilly.com. He has a B.A. from Williams College.