
Demystify machine learning buzzwords by learning how to train and use your own neural network in this interactive workshop. We'll cover the foundational principles that underpin modern machine learning and demonstrate how Julia makes it easy and fast.


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Workshop Overview

  • 1

    ODSC Europe 2020: Learn How to Train and Deploy Machine Learning Models in Julia

    • Workshop Overview and Author Bio

    • Learn How to Train and Deploy Machine Learning Models in Julia

Instructor Bio:

Dhairya Gandhi

Data Scientist | Julia Computing, Inc.

Dhairya Gandhi

Dhairya got his Bachelors in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani and is presently a data scientist at Julia Computing Inc. He is responsible for developing and maintaining performant differentiable programming routines and providing core tooling through Flux.jl, Zygote.jl etc. He has been contributing to various parts of the Julia ecosystem for more than 2 years, and helped develop differentiable pipelines for scientific computing and more recently on materials exploration.