This SQL coding course teaches students the basics of Structured Query Language, which is a standard programming language used for managing and manipulating data and an essential tool in AI.
The course covers topics such as database design and normalization, data wrangling, aggregate functions, subqueries, and join operations, and students will learn how to design and write SQL code to solve real-world problems. Upon completion, students will have a strong foundation in SQL and be able to use it effectively to extract insights from data.
The ability to effectively access, retrieve, and manipulate data using SQL is essential for data cleaning, pre-processing, and exploration, which are crucial steps in any data science or machine learning project. Additionally, SQL is widely used in industry, making it a valuable skill for professionals in the field. This course builds upon the earlier data course in the series.
Webinar includes
ODSC East 2024 AI Primer Course: Data Wrangling with SQL Course
Data Wrangling with SQL Course by Sheamus McGovern
Session Slides: ODSC East 2024 - Data Wrangling with SQL Course
Sheamus McGovern

Software Engineer & AI Expert
Sheamus McGovern
Founder of ODSC and Software Architect specializing in, complex multi-platform systems across multiple industries including finance, healthcare, and education.
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