Session Overview

The world is constantly changing and we as humans have learned to adapt. For manufacturers specifically, the introduction of Industry 4.0 compounded with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased pressure to deliver high-quality products with fewer workers on the factory floor. To keep up, many are embracing innovative technologies such as AI. In this talk, Neurala CTO and co-founder, Anatoli Gorchet, will explain how manufacturers can leverage AI to improve quality inspections. This will include a technical deep dive into how DDNs and Lifelong DNN (L-DNN) specifically can be used to quickly process data so that it can deliver actionable insights to the end-user, in this case, the manufacturer. Attendees will leave the session with a better understanding of how they can use DNNs to harness the power of data and AI to improve quality inspections in the manufacturing industry.


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    What Kind of AI Can Help Manufacturing Adapt to a Pandemic

    • Abstract & Bio

    • What Kind of AI Can Help Manufacturing Adapt to a Pandemic


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