Course curriculum

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    • Prof. James A. Hendler - The Tragedy of the (Data) Commons

    • East 2021 - Ritika Gunnar - Predict Business Outcomes With AI for a Multi-cloud World

    • East 2021 - Bryan Harris, Chris Wright - From Data to Decisions- The Important Role of ModelOps

    • East 2021 - John Montgomery, Emma Ning, Geeta Chauhan - Fostering AI Innovations Through Open Source Projects

    • East 2021 - Mihaela van der Schaar - Why Medicine is Creating Exciting New Frontiers for Machine Learning

    • East 2021 - Michael Stonebraker, PhD - Data Mastering at Scale

    • East 2021 - Ryohei Fujimaki, PhD - Accelerate ML Feature Engineering through Automation

    • East 2021 - Mike Piech - Accelerate AI with the Open Hybrid Cloud

    • Dr. Alicia Frame - Relationships Matter: Using Connected Data for Better Machine Learning

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    Demo talks

    • East 2021 - Danny Leybzon - Augmented Intelligence_ How Machine Learning + Human Analytics Catches Criminals

    • East 2021-Eric Gu-Recommending Meals for Millions

    • East 2021-Daniel Gray - Embracing the Convergence of AI and BI to Make Smarter Data-Driven Decisions at Scale

    • East 2021 - Ayodele Odubela - Getting Started with Experiment Management

    • East 2021- Stavroula Ntoufa, PhD , Imad Yassin -The application of NLP and AI to uncover evidence from scientific literature

    • East 2021- Rohan Khade - Datatron in Action_ Take Your Ml Models From Training to Production

    • East 2021-Itto Kornecki - Deepnote - a Collaborative Data Science Notebook

    • East 2021-Marius Bogoevici, Sadhana Nandakumar-Applying AI to Critical Challenges in Financial Services_ Fighting Fraud and Digital Banking

    • East 2021-Bob Foreman, Hugo Watanuki-The Kit and Kaboodle for Big Data and Data Science

    • East 2021- Roberto Reif, PhD - Meet The New Metis_ Accelerating Data Science & Analytics Learning for All

    • East 2021-Satish Pala-Operationalizing Text Analytics

    • East 2021-Stef Telford - Comprehending ClearML and MLOps - Enabling the new A-Z

    • East 2021-Richard Lewis-How Mastering Customer Data Through ML Is Driving Results at Santander JJ and Analog Devices

    • East 2021-Manasi Vartak, PhD-What is MLOps, Why do you need it, and Where do you begin_

    • East 2021-Stuart Laurie - Neo4j Demo A Graph Data Science Framework for Enterprise-Stuart Laurie

    • East 2021-Mark Benyovszky - AI-enabled Automation

    • East 2021-Elena Neroslavskaya, Gisle Dankel, Geeta Chauhan - The Next Evolution of PyTorch Performance Debugging.mp4

    • Esast 2021-Aaron Cheng, PhD, Lulu Liu, PhD - Automated Feature Engineering for Enterprise Machine Learning

    • East 2021 - John Thomas - A Look Into Deploying and Operationalizing Data Science Models With IBM

    • East 2021- Phoebe Liu, PhD - Training Conversational Agents on Noisy Data

    • East 2021- Aaron Richter, PhD - Jupyter Notebooks for Teams- Best Practices for Quality, Reproducibility, and Collaboration

    • East 2021-Antonio Cotroneo -Unlocking the Power of AWS Open Data with OmniSci Free

    • East 2021 - Torgil Hellman, Simon Asplen-Taylor-How Does Data Automation Change Working Lives

    • East 2021-Robert Lundberg, Martin Isaksson-Fast Visual and Explainable ML Modeling With PerceptiLabs

    • East 2021-Prabhakar Narasimhadevara-AI for Commercial Excellence – A Stanley Black and Decker Perspective

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    Career Lab Talks

    • East 2021-Jack Raifer- Build your Own Job

    • East. 2021-Mark R Kanner, PhD-Retention Models in HR_ From Prediction to Action

    • East 2021-Jeremie Harris-How to Run your Job Search Like a Data Scientist

    • East 2021- Sheamus McGovern- 2021 Ai Job Market Review For Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, And Related Roles

    • East 2021-Aadil Hussaini-Am I Ready for a Data Science Job_

    • East 2021-Kirill Eremenko-Land your First Data Science Position in 99 Days (with No Experience)

    • East 2021-Emily Robinson, Dr. Jacqueline Nolis-'Help! My job Search isn’t Working” A Live Recording of the Podcast Build a Career in Data Science

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    ODSC Talks

    • East 2021 - Ayodele Odubela - Standardizing Machine Learning Experimentation

    • East 2021 - Andrea La Rosa - Dataset Management for Computer Vision Possibly the Most Underrated and Important Component to Delivering Successful Computer Vision Solutions in Real-life

    • East 2021 - Matteo Mortari, Daniele Zonca - eXplainable Predictive Decisioning_ combine ML and Decision Management to promote trust on automated decision making

    • East 2021 - Elliott Ning - Accelerating The Journey To Document Understanding AI

    • East 2021 - Andrey Malevich - Practical Recommendations for Building Recommender Systems

    • East 2021 - Mike Flaxman - Abhishek Damera - The Macroscope Initiative - Building Planetary geoML with OmniSci

    • East 2021 - Artur Saudabayev - The Causaly Machine-Reading Platform_ From finding documents to finding evidence

    • East 2021 - Michael Tamir, PhD - Information Flow and Deep Representation Learning

    • East 2021 - Scott Gorlin, PhD, Anton Aboukhalil, Sc.D, Noah Jensen - The Data Science Challenge_ How to Innovate, Upskill, and Inspire an Enterprise

    • East 2021 - Diego Oppenheimer - What is ML governance and why I should care_

    • East 2021 - Saurya Das - Enterprise ready ML Model Training on Hybrid Cloud, leveraging Kubernetes

    • East 2021 - Mythili Krishnan - Data Visualization and Lock-down Analysis Using Global Covid-19 Data

    • East 2021 - Byron Galbraith - Alternatives to Reinforcement Learning for Real World Problems-Byron Galbraith, PhD

    • East 2021 - Sebastian Raschka - Machine Learning and AI in 2021_ Recent Trends, Technologies, and Challenges

    • East 2021 - Stephanie Kirmer - Going Beyond Matplotlib and Seaborn_ A survey of Python Data Visualization Tools

    • East 2021 - Julia Neagu - Ian Bakst, PhD - The Healthy Approach - Organic Data Enrichment Through Entity Extraction

    • East 2021 - Veysel Kocaman, PhD - Introduction to Spark NLP

    • East 2021 - Robert Crowe - Irene Giannoumis-From Experimentation to Products_ The Production ML Journey

    • East 2021 - Hannah Arnson, PhD, Danielle Aring - Building a Holistic Risk Profile_ Near Real-Time Approach to Insider Threat Detection

    • East 2021 - Violeta Misheva, PhD - AI Explainability in The Real World

    • East 2021 - Jakub Jurovych-The Future of Data Science Notebooks is Collaborative-Jakub Jurovych

    • East 2021 - Han Shu - Challenges in Merchandising, Recommendation, and Search for Local Delivery Commerce

    • East 2021 - Pierre Marchard - Journey to Data Automation

    • East 2021 - Dr. Gerald Friedland - A New Measurements-Based Approach to Machine Learning

    • East 2021 - Dr. Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood - The Medical Sieve Radiology Grand Challenge on Chest X-rays

    • East 2021 - Paige Roberts - Python + MPP Database = Large Scale AI-ML Projects in Production Faster

    • East 2021 - Margaret Good, PhD - Responsible Use of AI in Health Care

    • East 2021 - Cal Al-Dhubaib - Building an Ethical Data Science Practice

    • East 2021 - Joe Hellerstein, PhD - The State of Serverless and Applications to AI

    • East 2021 - David Linthicum - Building Multi Cloud Success for Cross Database Usage

    • East 2021 - Anatoli Gorchet - What Kind of AI Can Help Manufacturing Adapt to a Pandemic

    • East 2021 - Toby Cappello - Build and Scale AI With Trust & Transparency

    • East 2021 - Yuandong Tian, PhD - Learning to Optimize High-Dimensional Optimization Problems

    • East 2021 - Sam Bail, PhD - Building a Robust Data Pipeline with the 'dag Stack'_ dbt, Airflow, and Great Expectations

    • East 2021 - Sharon Yixuan Li - Reliable Open-World Learning Against Out-of-distribution Data

    • East 2021 - Manasi Vartak - Simplifying MLOps with Model Registry

    • East 2021 - Amber Chin Carlos Martinez - Narrative Extraction for Disinformation Detection

    • East 2021 - Haniyeh Mahmoudian - Tackling AI Bias

    • East 2021 - Hagay Lupesko - Introduction to Deep Learning for Recommendation Systems

    • Error Analysis for Accelerating Responsible Machine Learning by Besmira Nushi, PhD and Mehrnoosh Sameki, PhD"

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    Aix Business Talks

    • East 2021 - Marko Kangrga - Modern NLP Techniques for Dynamic Topic Modeling

    • East 2021 - Mark Weber - Overcoming Obstacles to AI Execution_ Trust, Scale, and Reasoning

    • East 2021 - Srinivas Chilukuri-Improving Structured Data ML Processes with Generative Adversarial Networks

    • East 2021 - Siddharth Goyal - Open Catalyst Project Using AI to Model And Discover New Catalysts-Siddharth Goyal

    • East 2021 - Leo Anthony Celi, PhD - The Myth of Generalisability in Clinical Research and Machine Learning in Health Care

    • ODSC East - Anand Ranganathan- Chat with your Data_ Accessing Insights through Conversational Analytics

    • East 2021 - Lore Dirick - Using Survival Analysis to Model Credit Risk_ What, Why and How_

    • East 2021 - Serena Yeung - The Clinicians AI Partner Augmenting Clinician Capabilities Across the Spectrum of Healthcare

    • East 2021 - Anitha Kannan - AI-Powered Best Healthcare for Everyone

    • East 2021 - Nishan Subedi - Architectural Patterns in Machine Learning to Generate Sustainable Business Value

    • East 2021 - Gideon Mendels - Building Effective Machine Learning Teams

    • East 2021 - Kerry Weinberg - Challenges and Opportunities for Data Science in Digital Health

    • East 2021 - James Zou - Computer Vision for Healthcare and Medicine

    • East 2021 - Brooke Jamieson - The Persuasion Equation - How to Effectively Communicate Results to People Who Don’t Want to Listen

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    • East 2021 - Joaquin Vanschoren - Pieter Gijsbers-Automated Machine Learning

    • East 2021 - Tim Whittaker, Rajiv Shah, PhD - Friendly MLOPs_ Making Deployment Flexible and Easy

    • East 2021 - Jordan Bakerman, PhD, Ari Zitin - End to End Modeling & Machine Learning_

    • East 2021 - Dr. Clair Sullivan - Going from Text to Knowledge Graphs_ Putting Natural Language Processing and Graph Databases to Work

    • East 2021 - Joy Payton - Using Google BigQuery Public Data With Colab Notebooks_ From Insight to Knowledge Using Cloud Computing, SQL, and Python to Map NYC Fall Tree Color!

    • East 2021 - Brian Lucena, PhD - StructureBoost_ Gradient Boosting with Categorical Structure

    • East 2021 - Tamara Broderick, PhD - An Automatic Finite - Sample Robustness Metric_ Can Dropping a Little Data Change Conclusions_

    • East 2021 - Chandra Khatri - Advances in Conversational AI and NLP through Large Scale Language Models such as GPT-3

    • East 2021 - Thushan Ganegedara - Art of BERT Unlock the Full Potential of BERT for Domain-Specific Tasks-Thushan Ganegedara

    • East 2021- Mary C. Boardman, Ph.D - A-B Testing for Data Science Using Python

    • East 2021 - Freddy Lecue, PhD - XAI - Explanation in AI_ What is the best explanation for your machine learning system_ Let’s review, code and test!

    • East 2021 - Robert Osazuwa Ness - Causal Machine Learning Blitz

    • East 2021 - Francesco Cardinale - Christian Schäfer - Brand Voice Deep Learning for Speech Synthesis

    • East 2021 - Rahul Agarwal - What are Transformers and How do They Work_-Rahul Agarwal

    • East 2021 - Andras Zsom - Missing Data in Supervised Machine Learning

    • East 2021 - Scott Bailey - Exploratory Text Analysis in Python Using spaCy and textacy

    • East 2021 - Shruti Karulkar, Sarah Mohamed, Louvere Walker - Hannon-Do You See What I See_ Using AR and AI

    • East 2021 - William Falcon PhD-From Research to Production, Minus the Boilerplate

    • East 2021 - Dr. Jon Krohn - Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Probability_ The Math ML Experts Master

    • East 2021 - Mona Khalil - Evaluation of Statistical Models based on Stakeholder Needs

    • East 2021 - Christopher Kanan, Tyler Hayes - Continual Learning in Deep Neural Networks_ Methods and Applications

    • East 2021 - Emma Ning, Guoyu Wang, Yufeng Li - ML Inference on Mobile Device With Onnx Runtime

    • East 2021 - Laura A. Seaman, PhD - Snakemake_ a Python Pipeline Toolbox

    • East 2021 - Noemi Derzsy, PhD - Exploring the Interconnected World_ Network-Graph Analysis in Python

    • East 2021 - Paige Roberts Pranjal Singh - In-Database Machine Learning in Jupyter

    • East 2021 - Teal Guidici, PhD - Echo State Networks for Time-Series Data

    • East 2021 - Vamsi Sistla - A-B Testing, Statistical Experimentation and Reinforced Learning Are the Future of Product Development

    • Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning by Shagun Sodhani

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    Training Sessions

    • Good, Fast, Cheap: How to do Data Science with Missing Data by Matt Brems

    • Introduction to Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python by Thomas Fan

    • NLP Fundamentals by Leonardo De Marchi

    • Intermediate Machine Learning with Scikit-learn: Cross-validation, Parameter Tuning, Pandas Interoperability, and Missing Values by Thomas Fan

    • Modern Machine Learning in R Part I by Jared Lander

    • Intermediate Machine Learning with Scikit-learn: Evaluation, Calibration, and Inspection by Thomas Fan

    • Programming with Data: Python and Pandas by Daniel Gerlanc

    • Advanced Machine Learning with Scikit-learn: Text Data, Imbalanced Data, and Poisson Regression by Thomas Fan

    • Modern Machine learning in R Part II by Jared Lander

    • Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Inference with Python by Lara Kattan

    • Applied Deep Learning: Building a Chess Object Detection Model with Computer Vision by Joseph Nelson

    • Solving the Data Scientist’s Cold-Start Problem with Machine Learning Examples by Dr. Kirk Borne

    • Atypical Applications of Typical Machine Learning Algorithms by Dr. Kirk Borne

    • Network Analysis Made Simple by Eric Ma

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    Extra Talk - Women in Ignite

    • East 2021 - Cindy Mallory, Dr. Christina Rabe, Trupti Jadhav, Sewalita Duara, Sara Nambi - Women Ignite Session