
How can retailers empower BI professionals to implement AI, Machine Learning, or Predictive Analytics? Join dotData’s VP of Data Science, Dr. Aaron Cheng, as he discusses AutoML 2.0: The latest advancement in Automated Machine Learning. Make AI/ML development a five-minute process by automating the full data science process from raw business data through data & feature engineering and machine learning - all with point-and-click ease.


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Session Overview

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    ODSC East 2020: How Retailers Can Automate AI/ML in Minutes

    • Overview and Author Bio

    • How Retailers Can Automate AI/ML in Minutes

Instructor Bio:

Hiroaki Shioi

Senior Data Scientist | dotData

Hiroaki Shioi

Hiroaki Shioi is a data scientist focused on solving the right problems utilizing machine learning and statistical analysis and creating actionable business insights. Deeper domain expertise in various enterprise verticals e.g., finance, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, telecommunication, transportation, power. Experienced use cases: cross-sell prediction, churn detection, anomaly detection & event detection in edge devices (IIoT), yield detection