Course curriculum

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    ODSC East Keynotes

    • Secrets of Successful AI Projects by Pedro Domingos, PhD

    • Infuse Generative AI in your apps using Azure OpenAI Service by Eve Psalti

    • Transforming Drug Discovery using Digital Biology by Daphne Koller, PhD

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    Partner Demo Talks

    • Ask the Experts! ML Pros Deep-Dive into Machine Learning Techniques and MLOps by Seth Juarez

    • Driving AI Forward: Continental Tire’s Journey to MLOps Excellence by Drazen Dodik

    • The Tangent Information Modeler, time series modeling reinvented by Philip Wauters

    • Introducing Elemeta_OSS meta-feature extractor for NLP and vision by Lior Durahly

    • Accelerating AI ML Initiatives with Knowledge Graph by Greg West

    • On the Scent: Detecting Dogs on Edge Devices With YOLOv8 and Comet by Kristen Kehrer

    • Data-Centric AI: Moving Beyond Model-Centric Approaches with Pachyderm by Jimmy Whitaker

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    ODSC Career Talks

    • Data-curiosity: How to Create and Nurture a Data-curious Culture in your Organization by Vatsala Sarathy

    • Do You Know About The People Behind The Tools? by Anna Jung