Live training with Leonardo De Marchi starts at August 5th at 12 PM (ET)

Training duration is 4 hours

Regular price : $264.00

10% discount ends soon

Price with 10% discount


Instructor Bio:

Head of Data Science and Analytics | Badoo

Leonardo De Marchi

Leonardo De Marchi holds a Master in Artificial intelligence and has worked as a Data Scientist in the sport world, with clients such as the New York Knicks and Manchester United, and with large social networks, like Justgiving. He now works as a Head of Data Scientist and Analytics in Badoo, the largest dating site with over 450 million users. He is also the lead instructor at, a company specialized in Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning and Machine Learning training. He is also a contractor for several companies and for the European Commission, as an expert in AI and Machine Learning. As an author he wrote “Hands-On Deep Learning” and he authored an online training course for O’Reilly, Introduction to Reinforcement Learning. In the academic world, he also helped set-up the Ph.D. center on Interactive Artificial Intelligence and will take part in the Inner Assessment Board to assign funding to Irish research in AI.

What will you learn?

  • Understand NLP basics

  • Create an NLP pipeline to preprocess the data using Python

  • Perform topic modelling

  • Use Python libraries for NLP tasks, in particular NLTK, Gensim and Glove

  • Leverage transfer learning and text embeddings to perform NLP classification

  • Overview of BERT and ELMo

10 % Discount ends in:

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Course Abstract

Extracting knowledge from text data has always been one of the most researched topics in machine learning, but only recently we witnessed breakthroughs that put NLP in the spotlight. Many pieces of information are stored in unstructured data, like text, which is extremely important in many different fields, from finance to social media and e-commerce.

In this course we will go through Natural Language Processing fundamentals, such as pre-processing techniques,tf-idf, embeddings, and more. It will be followed by practical coding examples, in python, to teach how to apply the theory to real use cases.

The goal of this workshop is to provide the attendees all the basic tools and knowledge they need to solve real problems and understand the most recent and advanced NLP topics. 

Course Schedule

Lesson 1 Text Representation (60m)

Theory: Familiarize yourself with NLP fundamentals and text preprocessing, to prepare the data for our models. We will go through the main steps like removing stopwords, stemming, One-Hot Encoding, and more.

Exercise: Apply text preprocessing methods on a simple dataset.

Outcome: You will be able to apply to the appropriate methodology to preprocess the text.

Lesson 2 Topic Modeling (45m)

Theory: We will see what LDA is and how it can help to extract information from documents. We will also try different clustering techniques and implement a Non-negative Matrix factorization.

Exercise: Apply topic modeling techniques on a simple text.

Outcome: You will be able to apply to extract the main information from documents using topic modeling techniques. 

Lesson 3 Text Classification (30m)

Theory: We will learn how it’s possible to represent text and how a classifier can use this representation. We will use TF-Idf and experiment with a couple of supervised learning models.

Exercise: Build an NLP pipeline to perform classification.

Outcome: You will be able to solve a text classification problem end to end.

Lesson 4 Introduction to Deep Learning in NLP (45m)

Theory: Understand word embedding, how it works, and how to use it. We will go through the main concepts behind word embedding and see some practical examples using the Gensim library.

Exercise: Leveraging python deep learning libraries to create an NLP pipeline for sentiment analysis.

Outcome: You will be able to use word embedding to perform any text classification task.

Lesson 5 Overview of Advanced Deep NLP (15m)

We will introduce the most recent development of Deep learning in NLP, in particular we will see how to leverage BERT and ELMo and their pre-trained models to solve NLP problems.

10 % Discount ends in:

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Who will be interested in this course?

  • This course is designed for data scientists, data analysts and software engineers who want to start working with NLP without treating it like a black box. They want to have an understanding of the theory but most importantly how to approach a real problem.

Which knowledge and skills you should have?

  • We will be using python in all exercises therefore some python knowledge is required. Some machine learning knowledge is beneficial but not required. We will introduce all the basic concepts needed but without spending much time on the most basic ML concepts.