Course curriculum

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    Hands-On Workshop

    • Machine Learning using PySpark for Text Data Analysis

    • Google Colab and whylogs python package for Modern NLP: Pre-training, Fine-tuning, Prompt Engineering, and Human Feedback

    • Modern NLP: Pre-training, Fine-tuning, Prompt Engineering, and Human Feedback

    • Materials for the Advanced NLP: Deep Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing with Transformers

    • Advanced NLP: Deep Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing with Transformers

    • Materials for the Hyper-productive NLP with Hugging Face Transformers Workshop

    • Hyper-productive NLP with Hugging Face Transformers

    • Instructions and code for the "From Big Data to NLP Insights: Unlocking the Power of PySpark and Spark NLP" Workshop

    • From Big Data to NLP insights: Getting started with PySpark and Spark NLP

    • Jupyter Notebook for Mastering Adversarial Evaluation for NLP: A Practical Workshop

    • Mastering Adversarial Evaluation for NLP: A Practical Workshop

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    • Materials for the Creating a Custom Vocabulary for NLP Tasks Using exBERT and spaCY Tutorial

    • Creating a Custom Vocabulary for NLP Tasks Using exBERT and spaCY

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    • Semantic Analysis and Procedural Language Understanding in the Era of Large Language Models

    • Truth Checker: Generative Large Language Models and Hallucinations

    • Reasoning in Natural Language

    • Semantic Search

    • Leverage Reviews Data for Multi Label Topics Classification in

    • SQuARE: Towards Multi-Domain and Few-Shot Collaborating Question Answering Agents

    • Product Classification with Structured Metadata for Online Retail