Course curriculum

MLOps is a hot topic, as teams grapple with productionizing machine learning. Now, they need monitoring, lineage, deployment tools, not just modeling libraries. This talk introduces tools from Databricks, like open source MLflow and Delta, as well as a Feature Store, and how they help mitigate MLOps pain points.


Data Science Lead - Databricks

Sean Owen

Sean is a principal solutions architect focusing on machine learning and data science at Data bricks. He is an Apache Spark committer and PMC member, and co-author Advanced Analytics with Spark. Previously, he was director of Data Science at Cloudera and an engineer at Google.

Senior Data Scientist

Yinxi Zhang

Yinxi Zhang is a Sr Data Scientist at Databricks with 7+ years of industry experience on end to end ML development. Her responsibilities as a Brickster are teaching Scalable Machine Learning, Deep Learning and ML Ops courses and helping clients develop their ML solutions. She used to be a marathon runner and now a yogi.

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