
How has MLOps evolved? Take a glimpse of what you could've learned during ODSC Europe 2020. This focus area is where leading experts in the rapidly expanding fields of MLOps gather to discuss the latest advances, trends, and models in this exciting field.

From the creators and top practitioners, some of the topics you’ll learn ranging from ModelOps with SAS Viya, Model Training, Train and Deploy, Machine Learning Observability, Scaling and more!


  • 1

    ModelOps in Action with SAS Viya

    • Workshop Overview and Author Bio

    • ModelOps in Action with SAS Viya

  • 2

    Model Training with GPUs and Live Metrics Tracking with Tensorboard on Kubeflow

    • Tutorial Overview and Author Bio

    • Before you get started: Prerequisites and Resources

    • Tutorial slides

    • Model Training with GPUs and Live Metrics Tracking with Tensorboard on Kubeflow

  • 3

    Learn How to Train and Deploy Machine Learning Models in Julia

    • Workshop Overview and Author Bio

    • Learn How to Train and Deploy Machine Learning Models in Julia


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