Course curriculum

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    Hands-On Workshop

    • Materials for the Causal AI: from Data to Action Workshop

    • Causal AI: from Data to Action

    • Materials for the Missing Data: A Synthetic Data Approach for Missing Data Imputation Workshop

    • Missing Data: A Synthetic Data Approach for Missing Data Imputation

    • Materials for the Full-Stack Machine Learning for Data Scientists Workshop

    • Full-Stack Machine Learning for Data Scientists

    • Big Data Analysis with PySpark

    • Materials for the Space Science with Python - Enabling Citizen Scientists Workshop

    • Space Science with Python - Enabling Citizen Scientists

    • Materials for the Automate Machine Learning Workflows with PyCaret 3.0New Workshop

    • Automate Machine Learning Workflows with PyCaret 3.0

    • Materials for the Feature Engineering With Signal Types Workshop

    • Feature Engineering With Signal Types

  • 2


    • Recommender Systems Methods and Usage of Graphs for Recommendations

    • Material for the Build Classification and Regression Models with Spark on AWS Tutorial

    • Build Classification and Regression Models with Spark on AWS

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    • Evaluating Recommendation Algorithms at Delivery Hero

    • Adversarial Validation and Training in Stock Market Price Prediction

    • PyTorch 2.1 - New Developments

    • Representation Learning on Graphs and Networks

    • Causality and LLMs

    • Building Robust and Scalable Recommendation Engines for Online Food Delivery

    • Human-Friendly, Production-Ready Data Science with Metaflow

    • State of AI in Human Resource Functions: Unique Opportunities and Challenges

    • Botnets detection at scale - Lesson learned from clustering billions of web attacks into botnets

    • Time Series Forecasting for Managers - All forecasts are wrong but some are useful

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Priya Donti, PhD, Co-founder and Chair @ Climate Change AI