Live training with Amita Kapoor starts on July 20th at 12 PM (ET)
Training duration: 4 hours (Hands-on)
Instructor Bio:
Amita Kapoor
Associate Professor, Author | SRCASW, University of Delhi
Amita Kapoor
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By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Gain knowledge of the latest algorithms used in reinforcement learning
Understand OpenAI Gym environment
Build your custom environment in Gym
Using TensorFlow build an RL agent to play the Game of Atari
Learn to apply RL in tasks other than games
Course Abstract
Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to RL - Theory
- What is Reinforcement Learning
- RL vs Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning
- RL Components - states, actions, rewards, policy, and value functions
- RL Formalisations - Multi-armed Bandits, MDP, POMDP, Bellman Equation
- RL Environments - Google Dopamine, Unity ml-agents, OpenAI Gym
Module 2: Open AI Gym and TensorFlow 101 - Practical Hands-On
- Open AI Gym
- TensorFlow
- Q Table-based Implementation
- Building Custom Environments in Gym
Module 3: DRL Algorithm Implementations
- Deep Q Network
- Policy Gradients
- Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient networks
- Applications of RL in finance
- Application of RL in robotics
- Road Ahead
Which knowledge and skills you should have?
The audience should be aware of the basic deep learning algorithms, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks and Stochastic Gradient
Basic knowledge of Python language and one of the deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch or TensorFlow will be useful
What is included in your ticket?
Access to live training and QA session with the Instructor
Access to the on-demand recording
Certificate of completion