Live training with Bruno Gonçalves starts on February 8th at 12 PM (EST)

Training duration: 4 hours (Hands-on)

Price with 30% discount

Regular Price: $210.00

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Instructor Bio:

Founder | Data For Science, Inc

Bruno Gonçalves

Bruno Gonçalves is currently a Senior Data Scientist working at the intersection of Data Science and Finance. Previously, he was a Data Science fellow at NYU's Center for Data Science while on leave from a tenured faculty position at Aix-Marseille Université. Since completing his PhD in the Physics of Complex Systems in 2008 he has been pursuing the use of Data Science and Machine Learning to study Human Behavior. Using large datasets from Twitter, Wikipedia, web access logs, and Yahoo! Meme he studied how we can observe both large scale and individual human behavior in an obtrusive and widespread manner. The main applications have been to the study of Computational Linguistics, Information Diffusion, Behavioral Change and Epidemic Spreading. In 2015 he was awarded the Complex Systems Society's 2015 Junior Scientific Award for "outstanding contributions in Complex Systems Science" and in 2018 he was named a Science Fellow of the Institute for Scientific Interchange in Turin, Italy.

30% discount ends in:

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basic concepts of epidemiology

  • Explore and analyze real world datasets on the numbers of cases, hospitalizations, vaccinations and deaths from multiple sources

  • Learn how to use NetworkX and SciPy to model dynamical systems on networks

  • Infer model parameters from real world data


Course Outline

 1. Background Information
    * Visualizing cases and deaths
    * Geographic spread

2. Compartmental Models
    * SIR model structure
    * R0 and Rt
    * Herd Immunity
    * Model simulations

3. Network Models
    * Agent-based models
    * Contact Tracing

4. Vaccination
    * Modeling vaccination campaigns

    * Vaccine efficacy

Course Abstract

The CoVID-19 pandemic is perhaps the first truly global event. Not only did it spread to the four corners of the world in record time, it directly impacted every aspect of our lives. Over the course of the past 18 months, no region of the world remained untouched and no aspect of our lives remained unaffected. We all know someone who was infected, hospitalized, or passed away. In this course, we will explore the basics of epidemiology and the epidemic model in a practical and intuitive way. We will leverage our understanding of Python and NetworkX to introduce the fundamental concepts and models of epidemic modeling and use them in conjunction with public datasets to better understand the way in which CoVID-19 is spreading, grasp concepts such as R0, herd immunity, and vaccine efficacy, the impact of seasonality, and different competing strains and understand the explore the consequences of our assumptions and interventions through simple simulations and models. As the world braces for the next wave or variant, this tutorial will provide you with the hands-on tools to separate the hype from the facts.

What background knowledge you should have?

  • Basic understanding of Python

What is included in your ticket?

  • Access to live training and QA session with the Instructor

  • Access to the on-demand recording

  • Certificate of completion

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