
We are happy to continue with Lightning interview series. 

Local ODSC chapter in Boston, USA

[19th-21st April] Use ODSCCommunity2022 to get an additional discount on your East conference pass  -

Instructor's Bio

Scott Cunningham

Professor of Economics at Baylor University

Empirical researcher in the areas of mental healthcare, corrections, sex work, labor and health policy. Graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) focused in Economics from 2022 national champs, the University of Georgia. Author of Causal Inference: the Mixtape. Chief evangelist of design based causal inference at his education platform Mixtape Sessions.

Sheamus McGovern

Founder of ODSC

Founder of ODSC and Software Architect specializing in, complex multi-platform systems across multiple industries including finance, healthcare, and education.


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    ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Lightning Interview: "Causal Inference: The Mixtape"

    • Ai+ Training

    • Webinar recording

    • Join ODSC East 2022 Training Conference