
Learn about Milvus v2.0 and the groundbreaking functionality developed by the Milvus core team. v2.0 includes feedback from over 1000+ enterprise users and 10,000 community members in order to build a better database to serve enterprises in more AI and big data scenarios.

After gathering this feedback and invaluable use cases, we are pleased to launch Milvus v2.0.

This version has made significant progress in Milvus as a cloud native and distributed system. In this talk, we will introduce the main features, functionality and future prospects of Milvus v2 .0

Instructor's Bio

Xiaofan Luan

Zilliz cloud platform developer

Graduated from Cornell University with a master's degree in Computer Science. He has more than 7 years of experience in data storage, database development, and architecture design. Before joining Zilliz, he worked in Oracle, Hedvig, and the Alibaba Cloud database team. Currently, he is in charge of Milvus, an open source vector database, and Zilliz cloud platform development.

Filip Haltmayer

Data Engineer at Zilliz 

After graduating from the University of California Santa Cruz with a B.S. in Computer Science, he took a position at Zilliz as a Data Engineer on the company’s User Success Team. Fillip provides technical help to users and builds unstructured data solutions that leverage Milvus, an open-source vector database


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    Introducing Milvus v2.0

    • Ai+ Training

    • Webinar recording

    • Join ODSC West 2021 Training Conference