Get Ahead with Expert-Led Training in Effective Testing

This course will help you to make your code better.  Better code is a code that is easier to read, and also works. 

Course Outline

- Course Overview
- Before you get started Prerequisites and Resources
- Lab Code

- Demo Code
- Installing 3rd Party
- Venv Unix
- Venv Windows
- Doctest Intro
- Doctest Demo
- Doctest Exercise
- More Doctest - Old
- More Doctest - New
- Doctest Details Demo
- Doctest Details
- Doctest Exercise
- Unittest Demo
- Unittest Exercise
- Unittest 
- More Unittest - Demo
- Unittest Exercise 2
- Code Coverage Demo
- Code Coverage
- Code Coverage Exercise
- Linting Demo
- Linting Exercise
- Linting
- TDD Demo
- TDD Part 1 Exercise
- TDD Part 2 Exercise


Python & Data Science Corporate Trainer / Consultant | MetaSnake

Matt Harrison

Author and instructor of Python and Data Science material. Co-chair Utah Python user group. Speaker/presenter at various conferences (PyCon, OSCON, Strata, SciPy, SCALE, OpenWest, StartFest). Corporate trainer to companies big (HP, Adobe, Cisco, Samsung, Qualcomm) and small (Instructure, Fusion-IO). Taught multiple 6 week courses for elementary students on Drone programming, Python programming, web development (html and css), and ebook production (published an ebook and physical book at the end).