Learn beyond the Basics! Take a glimpse of what you could've learned during ODSC East. This focus area is where leading experts in the rapidly expanding fields of Deep Learning gather to discuss the latest advances, trends, and models in this exciting field.


  • 1

    Model Based Deep Learning with Applications to Imaging

    • Overview and Author Bio

    • Model Based Deep Learning with Applications to Imaging

  • 2

    PyTorch 101: Building a Model Step-by-step

    • Overview and Author Bio

    • PyTorch 101: Building a Model Step-by-step

  • 3

    GANs N' Roses: Understanding Generative Models

    • Overview and Author Bio

    • GANs N' Roses: Understanding Generative Models

  • 4

    Continual Visual Learning

    • Overview and Author Bio

    • Continual Visual Learning


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