
Bringing together the world’s most creative minds that are changing the way we visualize, understand, and interact with data. Take a glimpse of what you could've learned at ODSC . This focus area is where Designers, Data Scientists, and developers teach the art of storytelling, information communication, and data visualization using the latest open source tools and techniques.

Some of the topics you’ll learn ranging from Jupyter to Dashboards, Network/Graph Analysis in Python, Painting with Data, The Art of Data Storytelling and more!


  • 1

    Data Visualization: From Jupyter to Dashboards

    • Training Overview and Author Bio

    • Before you get started: Prerequisites and Resources

    • Training Slides

    • Data Visualization: From Jupyter to Dashboards

  • 2

    Exploring the Interconnected World: Network/Graph Analysis in Python

    • Tutorial Overview and Author Bio

    • Before you get started: Prerequisites and Resources

    • Tutorial Slides

    • Exploring the Interconnected World: Network/Graph Analysis in Python

  • 3

    Painting with Data: Introduction to d3.js

    • Workshop Overview and Author Bio

    • Getting Started with Observable

    • Setup and Workshop Materials

    • Color and Drawing with Data

    • In-browser Code Editing

    • Fetching and Loading

  • 4

    A Hands-On Tutorial for Training Interpretable Variational Autoencoders Using siVAE

    • Tutorial Overview and Instructor Bios

    • Getting Started

    • Resource Downloads

    • Tutorial Slides Presentation

    • Introduction to Variational Autoencoders/Generative Models and siVAE

    • Model setup in TensorFlow and VAE Implementations

    • Training Scalable and interpretable VAE (siVAE) with pre-training steps

    • Training Steps for siVAE and Combining Model


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