Continuously Deployed Machine Learning
This course is only available as a part of subscription plans.
Training duration : 2.5 hours
How to structure and serialize sklearn code for model deployment
How to create API endpoints for machine learning code
How to continuously deploy changes to modeling code
Instructor Bio:
Max Humber
Introduction ( 10 | 10 minutes )
Who am I, and who are you?
The problem with Jupyter
The Data Hierarchy of Needs
Model deployment overview
Model Preparation ( 20 | 30 minutes )
Model Scaffolding
ML and pipeline objects
Model serialization options
Exercise: Serialize a machine learning model
API Development ( 30 | 70 minutes )
FastAPI Overview
FastAPI for Flask Users
FastAPI and ML models
Exercise: Connect a machine learning model to an API endpoint
Deploying to Heroku ( 20 | 95 minutes )
Setup and configure Heroku
Connect a repo to Heroku
Deploy changes to Heroku
Exercise: Deploy a API endpoint to Heroku
Deploying to Dokku ( 25 | 110 Minutes )
Benefits of Dokku
Server setup and configuration
Dokku configuration and deployment
Connect a custom domain to Dokku
Exercise: Deploy an ML-enabled endpoint to Dokku
Conclusion ( 5 | 115 minutes )
Data Scientists/Engineers who work with Jupyter notebooks
Engineers that deploy machine learning APIs
Experience with Python, pandas and scikit-learn
Experience with Flask will be helpful, but is not required