Course Abstract

Training duration: 90 min (Hands-on)

This course teaches you all of the skills to build interactive data analytics dashboards with Python. Specifically, you will be building a Coronavirus Forecasting Dashboard that shows historical and predicted values for deaths and cases for all countries in the world and US states from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The final product will be a live dashboard, automatically updated daily, hosted on a remote server for anyone, anywhere in the world to see.


Instructor Bio:

Python Data Science Expert Instructor - Author of Multiple Books and Python LIbraries | Founder | Dunder Data

Teddy Petrou

Teddy Petrou is the author of Pandas Cookbook, a highly rated text on performing real-world data analysis with Pandas. He is also the author of the books Exercise Python and Master Data Analysis with Python. He is the founder of Dunder Data, a company that teaches the fundamentals of data science and machine learning. He really enjoys discovering best practices on how to use and teach data analysis with Python.

Course Outline

Module 4: Exponential Growth and Decline Models

  • Exponential growth and decline functions
  • Finding optimal parameters
  • Predicting unseen data
  • Automating model training


Module 5: Logistic Growth Models

  • Introduction to S-curves
  • Estimating logistic function parameters
  • Generalized logistic function


Module 6: Modeling New Waves

  • Limiting the data
  • Shifting the data
  • Automating parameter bounds


Module 7: Encapsulation into Classes

  • Building a single class to model cases
  • Predicting deaths using case fatality ratio
  • Creating final dashboard tables

Background knowledge

  • Fundamental knowledge of the Python programming language and the Pandas library is necessary

  • Previous work with Jupyter Notebooks would be helpful as all material is delivered with them

Target Audience

  • All data enthusiasts and professionals that wish to have the capability of creating and launching their own interactive analytics dashboards using Python.

  • Who would like to learn all of the steps to complete a comprehensive project

  • Who likes to use many different technologies together in a single project

  • Who enjoys building data visualizations and predictive models

  • Who would like to learn how to deploy their work on remote web servers

  • Who enjoys completing exercises to test knowledge learned