
This talk was livestreamed on all official ODSC social media - Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube etc. 

Join Amber Roberts and Sheamus McGovern for a wide-ranging discussion on the challenges and possible solutions for troubleshooting unstructured data, in their upcoming interview, Troubleshooting Large Language Models. 

Examine recent research on ways to measure vector/embedding drift for image and language models, and the insights gained from testing different approaches.

Local ODSC chapter in NYC, USA

Instructor's Bio

Amber Roberts

ML Growth Lead at Arize AI

In Arize AI Amber leans on her years of experience building models as a data scientist and machine learning engineer. Before Arize, Amber was a Product Manager of AI/ML at Splunk and Head of Artificial Intelligence at Insight Data Science. A former astrophysicist and Carnegie Fellow, Amber has an MS in Astrophysics from the Universidad de Chile.


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    ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Lightning Interview "Troubleshooting Large Language Models"

    • Ai+ Training

    • Webinar recording