
This talk was livestreamed on all official ODSC social media - Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube etc. 

     Large Language Models like GPT-4 are transforming the world in general and the field of data science in particular at an unprecedented pace. This training introduces deep learning transformer architectures including LLMs. Critically, it also demonstrates the breadth of capabilities of state-of-the-art LLMs like GPT-4 can deliver, including for dramatically revolutionizing the development of machine learning models and commercially successful data-driven products, accelerating the creative capacities of data scientists and pushing them in the direction of being data product managers. Brought to life via hands-on code demos that leverage the Hugging Face and PyTorch Lightning Python libraries, this training covers the full lifecycle of LLM development, from training to production deployment. 

     In this interview, Jon will discuss the full lifecycle of LLM development, from training to production deployment, with a focus on open-source LLMs.

Don't miss the chance to ask your questions and share your thoughts during the live Q&A.

Local ODSC chapter in NYC, USA

Instructor's Bio

Dr Jon Krohn

Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist | Author | Host at Nebula | SuperDataScience

Jon is Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at the machine learning company Nebula. He authored the book Deep Learning Illustrated, an instant #1 bestseller that was translated into seven languages. He is also the host of SuperDataScience, the data science industry’s most listened-to podcast. Jon is renowned for his compelling lectures, which he offers at leading universities and conferences, as well as via his award-winning YouTube channel. He holds a PhD from Oxford and has been publishing on machine learning in prominent academic journals since 2010.


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    ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Interview "Training and Deploying Open-Source LLMs"

    • Ai+ Training

    • Webinar Recording