
The data tooling landscape has exploded to hundreds of products. New ones emerge almost daily. In this environment, firms struggle just to meet legacy business commitments. And the exciting next-gen projects, leveraging analytics and machine learning (AI), are notoriously unsuccessful: their failure rate is estimated as high as 85 percent!

In this talk, we'll learn why many of these challenges result from outdated anti-patterns held over from 20th-century industry. These older patterns emphasize efficiency over effectiveness and are not appropriate for 2023 -- leading to results both ineffective and inefficient.

We'll look at adjustments in approach that make it easier for data teams to hire, manage, retain, and execute effectively using modern data tooling -- all while gaining that sought-after efficiency. 

This session is aimed at medium and large businesses and will be especially useful *outside* of the ""big tech"" software/SaaS industry

Local ODSC chapter in NYC, USA

Hybrid ODSC East 2023 - May 9th-11th -

Instructor's Bio

Adam Breindel

Independent Consultant

- Created deep learning and AI courseware licensed by Hortonworks (Cloudera) for worldwide delivery; #1 invited deep learning instructor for Berlin and San Jose DataWorks Summit events 

- BA Mathematics (Univ. of Chicago) and MA Greek and Latin Classics (Brown Univ.) 

-  Experience in financial, mobile, travel, and media industries including large scale transactional and analytics (financial), user‐facing web, client, mobile, and distributed systems 

Specialties: • Systems architecture and implementation • Org effectiveness: decisions, uncertainty, and complex systems • Team lead: Recruiting, managing, training, and leading dev and ops teams


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    UPCOMING Data Engineering Summit session: "Thrive in the Data Tooling Tornado: Lead, Hire, and Execute Better by Escaping Older Industrial Antipatterns"

    • Ai+ Training

    • Webinar link

    • Welcome to ODSC East 2023 in Boston or virtually!