
Building and using AI models responsibly to deploy, evaluate, and monitor: As Generative AI goes mainstream, it’s critical to employ best practices in safety & quality. Come learn how Microsoft builds responsible AI leveraging Azure OpenAI, Azure Content Safety, PromptFlow, and Model Monitoring for Generative AI.  Azure AI enables you to evaluate, mitigate content harms, deploy, and monitor for safety & quality (such as hallucinations) in production.

Local ODSC chapter in NYC, USA

Hybrid ODSC West 2023 on 30th Oct-2nd Nov - 

Use ODSC_Community2023 code for an extra discount.

Instructor's Bio

Will Buchanan

 Cognitive Services PM at Microsoft

Will is a Cognitive Services PM focused on the intersection of Responsible AI & Environmental Sustainability


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    UPCOMING WEBINAR: Responsible Model Training, Monitoring, and Comparison with Azure Machine Learning

    • Ai+ Training

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