
The next big buzzword in the Big Data industry is ‘real-time’. From serving instant ads to running AI and ML models at a sub-second speed, delivering real-time experience is imperative for businesses and people to stay ahead of the competition. However, any data model and algorithm relies on a powerful and versatile data infrastructure. 

In this session, speaker will present: 

- What is HTAP or universal storage? 

- How choosing the right database can impact your analytics and AI/ML model 

- LIVE DEMO: Arm yourself with the coolest tools necessary for model building 

- LET’S CODE: Get your code notebook ready. Learn how to amp up your SQL knowledge. 

- OPEN MIC: Get all your burning questions answered.

 Offer from partner: 

Register for the session to get worth $500 FREE credits. You can enjoy these credits on SingleStoreDB Cloud which provides the full capability of The Real-Time Distributed SQL Database without the operational overhead and complexity of managing it yourself. Spin up a cluster, ingest pipelines, and get hands-on with testing the database platform.

Local ODSC chapter in NYC, USA

Instructor's Bio

Akmal Chaudhri

Senior Technical Evangelist at SingleStore

Akmal helps build global developer communities and raise technology awareness through presentations and technical writing. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and previously held roles as a developer, consultant, product strategist, evangelist, technical writer, and technical trainer with several Blue Chip companies and Big Data startups. He has regularly presented at many international conferences and served on the program committees for several major conferences and workshops. He has published widely and edited or co-edited ten books. He holds a BSc (1st Class Hons.) in Computing and Information Systems, MSc in Business Systems Analysis and Design, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science. He is a Member of the British Computer Society (MBCS) and a Chartered IT Professional (CITP).


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    ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Real-time Analytics & Built-in Machine Learning Models with a Single Database

    • Ai+ Training

    • Webinar recording

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