
Organizations are increasingly relying on geospatial analysis to power their decision making and business processes. But in such a dynamically changing world, maintaining an accurate database of critical locations is no small task. Everyday worldwide, businesses open and close, change names, or update their operating hours. When these changes happen, any map, application, or model immediately becomes stale. How can organizations strategize if they are not confident in their data? 

Join SafeGraph product manager Fletcher Berryman to learn about curating a global points of interest database to serve as a source of truth for location intelligence and analytics. Fletcher will cover the main criteria to consider when sourcing POI data, the challenges of dealing with stale data, and best practices for applying up-to-date geospatial data to business strategies and models.

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Instructor's Bio

Fletcher Berryman

Product Manager at SafeGraph

Fletcher Berryman is a lifelong geographer currently serving as a product manager for SafeGraph with a focus on international spatial data. At work and beyond, Berryman is most drawn to research questions that involve the intersection of geographers’ traditional considerations of “space and place” with modern technologies previously unavailable for use in examination, especially in developing economies. Outside of SafeGraph, Berryman is co-chair of the world's largest geospatial meetup (GeoNYC) and a research associate at the University of Chicago's Center for Spatial Data Science.


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    ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Modeling Real World Change with Geospatial Data

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