
This webinar presents Taipy, a new low-code Python package that allows you to create complete Data Science applications, including graphical visualization and the management of algorithms, models, and pipelines. 

It is composed of two main independent components:

- Taipy Core 

- Taipy GUI 

In this webinar, participants will learn how to use: 

Taipy Core to create scenarios, use models, retrieve metrics easily, 

Taipy Studio, a graphical configuration builder. Taipy Studio brings programmers tools that significantly improve productivity when building Taipy applications. 

Taipy GUI to create an interactive and powerful user interface in a few lines of code. 

These three components will be used to build a complete interactive AI application in which the end-user can explore data and execute pipelines (make predictions) from within the application. 

With Taipy, the Python developer can transform simple pilots into production-ready end-user applications. Taipy GUI goes way beyond the capabilities of the standard graphical stack: Gradio, Streamlit, Dash, etc. 

Similarly, Taipy Core is simpler yet more powerful than the standard Python back-end stack:  Airflow, MLOps, Luigi, etc.

Local ODSC chapter in NYC, USA

Instructor's Bio

Vincent Gosselin

 Co-Founder & CEO at Taipy

Vincent has 30+ years as AI specialist with ILOG and IBM. He has mentored several Data Science teams. Vincent has designed/modeled several major AI projects for customers such as Samsung. Electronics, McDonald’s, Dassault Aviation, Carhartt, Toyota, TSMC, Disney, etc. He is skilled in Mathematical Modeling, Machine Learning, Time Series prediction. He has strong experience in Manufacturing, Retail & Logistics industries. His main objective is to “Help companies go beyond AI pilots and be successful in bringing AI to their end-users”. He received his Msc in Comp. Science & AI from Paris-Saclay University.

Florian Jacta

Customer Success Manager at Taipy

Florian is a specialist of Taipy, a low-code open source Python package enabling any Python developers to easily develop a production ready AI application. Fonction d’avant-vente et de l'après-vente du package. He is a Data Scientist for Groupe Les Mousquetaires (Intermarche) and ATOS. Florian developed several Predictive Models as part of strategic AI projects. He received Master in Applied Mathematics from INSA with Major in Data Science and Mathematical Optimization.


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