
    In this talk, we will explore how the open-source Hopsworks feature store can help Data Scientists who love Python to manage their features for training and serving models. Hopsworks provides native Python support for feature engineering, feature pipelines, low latency access to features for serving, online transformation functions, and data validation. 

    Hopsworks also supports a Python-based domain-specific language for joining and retrieving features from Data Warehouses and Data Lakes, freeing you from having to write SQL to access enterprise data. We will walk through an end-to-end use case in Python showing you how to go from raw data to an operationalized prediction service.

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Instructor's Bio

Jim Dowling

CEO at Hopsworks

Jim is an Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He is lead architect of the open-source Hopsworks Feature Store platform. 


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    ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Hopsworks: The Python-centric Enterprise Feature Store

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