
      Engineers and developers often face hurdles when merging various platforms to capture real-time data effectively. Setting up infrastructure, managing data flows, and cost-effective scaling solutions are frequent challenges. 

      In this webinar, we will go over how to effectively integrate the features of a time series database, such as InfluxDB 3.0, and other tools like Bytewax to develop powerful, AI-driven applications.

Local ODSC chapter in NYC, USA

Instructor's Bio

Zoe Steinkamp

Senior Developer Advocate at InfluxData

Zoe is a front end software engineer turned developer advocate. She enjoys small coding projects in python and javascript that help the community learn the influxDB platform and tools. Conferences, podcasts, if it involves talking to new and interesting people Zoe is there! She loves meeting the community members and feeling like she can make a difference for developers in helping them solve problems.


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    ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: "Getting in the Weeds with Time-Series Databases for AI"

    • Ai+ Training

    • Webinar recording