Martin Musiol

Co-Founder and Instructor | Generative AI

Long before the buzz surrounding generative AI, Martin Musiol was already advocating for its significance in 2015. Since then, he has been a frequent speaker at conferences, podcasts, and panel discussions, addressing the technological advancements, practical applications, and ethical considerations of generative AI. Martin Musiol is a founder of, a lecturer on AI to over 3000 students, and publisher of the newsletter 'Generative AI: Short & Sweet'. As the lead for GenAI Projects in Europe at Infosys Consulting (previously at IBM), Martin Musiol helps companies globally harness the power of generative AI to gain a competitive advantage.


Generative AI, AI Agents, and AGI

This session is tailored for professionals seeking to master the fundamentals of generative AI. Our training covers a comprehensive range of topics, from the basics of text generation using advanced language models to the intricacies of image and 3-D object generation. Attendees will gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools, empowering them to become ten times more productive in their roles. A key component of our training is the exploration of autonomous agents. Participants will learn not only how these agents perform various tasks autonomously but also how to build one from the ground up. This segment paves the way to understanding the trajectory towards artificial general intelligence (AGI), a frontier in AI research.

This session does not require prior experience in AI, making it accessible to a broad audience. However, it promises maximum knowledge gain, equipping attendees with practical skills and theoretical knowledge. By the end of the session, participants will be able to apply these insights directly to their roles, enhancing their contribution to the AI domain and their respective industries. It will be a comprehensive learning experience, ensuring attendees leave with a profound understanding of generative AI and its applications.

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