
This meetup is co-organized by BasisTech and ODSC.


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Who: People who build, develop and apply LLMs or wish to learn more about them

When: 6:15-8:15pm Tuesday March 26, 2024; doors open at 5:30pm

Where: BasisTech, 1070 Broadway, Somerville, MA 02144 (directions) is a 10 minute walk from the Davis Sq. T station

What: Two speakers followed by Q&A. Food and drinks will be served.


Talk#1: Active Learning in the Era of LLMs

Summary: The expense of annotating data is one of the biggest bottlenecks when training or fine-tuning LLMs for end-user use cases. While few-shot learning has helped dramatically with these costs, it can still be challenging to decide what kind of data is appropriate to use. Active learning is a technique for selecting unlabeled data efficiently using the model as a guide. In this talk, I provide an overview of active learning and discuss recent developments in the space which make it more suitable for the unique use cases of LLMs, including multi-task instruction tuning.


Talk#2: TBD

Focus on AI in Healthcare

Local ODSC chapter in Boston, USA

Hybrid ODSC West 2024 on 29-31st October -

Use West2024-Community code for an extra discount

Instructor's Bio

Tomasz Adamusiak MD, PhD

 Chief Scientist, Clinical Quality and Data Science at MITRE 

Tomasz brings experience developing novel digital endpoints, designing decentralized approaches for clinical trials, and applying AI/machine learning methods to generate novel insights from clinical data. 

Philip Blair

Director, Blair Software

Philip is the director of Blair Software, an Amsterdam-based AI consultancy specializing in NLP software. Originally from the United States, he spent nearly a decade doing applied research and development on NLP systems, and conducts a mixture of AI software development, AI corporate advisory work, and advising software companies of the impacts of transatlantic AI regulation for companies in Europe and the United States.


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