
In this talk, we will show how adopting those practices to data lakes is a must, as it provides us with a safe environment to operate in, that produces higher quality data in less time. Our time will be spent on actual data engineering and less on manual plumbing of data pipelines. The set of tools that would allow us to implement engineering best practices, such as data version control, orchestration, data quality platforms, and data monitoring tools, are right at the tip of our fingers. We will show how to combine those tools to create robust data products over data lakes.

Local ODSC chapter in NYC, USA

Hybrid ODSC East 2023 - May 9th-11th -

Instructor's Bio

Einat Orr

CEO and Co-Founder of Treeverse

Einat brings over 20 years of research, algorithms, and technology experience to SimilarWeb. This is Einat’s fourth time as CTO – she previously led technology teams at companies such as Earnix, Extreme Reality and Correlix. Einat has vast experience in scaling R&D teams and integrating agile methodologies. She has expertise in real timeanalysis of big data, graph analysis, learning and prediction. Einat is an engineer with a PhD in Mathematics from Tel Aviv University.


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    UPCOMING Data Engineering Summit session: "Applying Engineering Best Practices in Data Lakes Architectures"

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